Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Remember Beatrice? She won’t stop sending me forwards. The kind with puppies and kittens and sparkly-font captions. She apparently does not believe that I don’t know her, despite my best efforts. Nor do her relatives, as I learned when I got so exasperated that I replied-all last time.

From: Peggy (sassy_lady)
To: Sarah

Sarah if you are Tom’s daughter, Bea is your aunt. REDACTED is her married name. She is on facebook along with REDACTED her daughter who would be your cousin. Not sure how she got your email but my guess is from another relative, possibly my dad (REDACTED).

Editor’s note: I wish to expunge all exasperation from the record. The lovely sassy midwestern Peggy and I have been corresponding. She is a complete dear and I’m completely apologetic for ever being the least bit bothered by Aunt Bea’s puppies and sparkles.

* * *

Bev in California has continuing-education plans with an Other Me:

From: Beverly
Subject: I’m planning on taking LIB 710

Sarah, I’ll be taking the LIB 710 course!  I already have my books.  I’ll enroll tonight when I get home.
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Next is having a swimwear sale. In England, unfortunately.

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An Other Me is looking for love (in all the wrong places, if you ask me):
From: Emeka
hi sarah
its Meka (REDACTED) from, how u doing?
thanks for the wink, you got a nice smile.
* * *
Los Angeles Other Me went to this:
From: Lindsey
Subject: Beer Fest
Hey Sarah!So I don’t have the link on my phone, but it’s at the echoplex on sat. If you search craft beer fest in echo park, it should come up. I’ll fwd you the link when I get home. It’s been forever, see you saturday!!
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Santa Barbara Other Me (possibly the same one?) is buddies with her Mary Kay lady.

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Testing my French comprehension… an Other Me is registered with a French temp service, and could apply to teach a three-month adult-education English course in Nice.

Subject: Offre d’emploi susceptible de vous intéresser

Numéro de l’offre 115538C
Formateur/Formatrice en Anglais H/F
(Code Métier ROME 22211)
Contrat a duree determinee de 3 mois-centre de formation en langues pour adulte recherche un formateur (H/F) en Anglais pour une mission de 44H au total. Les cours auront lieu le vendredi de 16H A 18H30 dans le centre de Nice. Bon relationnel celta ou tesol apprecie debut de mission des que possible.
Compétences particulières :
– Participation à l’élaboration de méthodes et d’outils pédagogiques.
Lieu de travail : 06 – Nice
Type et Nature du contrat : Contrat de travail
Expérience : Exigee de 2 A 5 ans
Formation et connaissances :
NIV. 3 (BAC+2) langues exige(e) Anglais biling+tech exige(e) permis auto (B) souhaite(e)
Déplacements : Ponctuels departemental
Horaires : 2H30 HEBDO
Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter :
Pole Emploi Lyon-Guillotiere
31B Rue Jaboulay
Tél.: 3949 – Fax: 0472734180

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And finally, the photographic portion. In which, first, a lovely sitting room:

From: Linda


I am sending pictures of the front room and backyard. The first one of the sitting room is with no furniture for scale.


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And finally, do you know this girl? Because I sure don’t.
