There are requests. Miss Karen is organizing Soup Night and needs two slow cookers make potato soup and pizza soup. And Virginia Other Me’s soccer club is asking her to host a French exchange student. Cleyris came from the Dominican Republic to work in the hotel with Other Me last summer and wants her W2.
There is money changing hands. Canadian Other Me is looking for an apartment. And responding to many listings. WITH MY EMAIL. Kansas City Other Me is looking for a new home too. Ditto. Sigh. Meanwhile, one of the UK Other Mes is spending her money at BeautyBay and L.K. Bennett.
And the Other Me whose email address is exactly like mine except with the word “email” before it (WHICH IS THE WORST IDEA NO WONDER I GET ALL HER MAIL) turns out to be the one from Wisconsin. She works at the Mayo Clinic there. I’m sure she’s very nice. I just wish she had chosen a better email.
Lots of reservations for restaurants and travel arrangements, as always. Also, Zach is stuck in the snow at his friend’s house and can’t make tutoring tomorrow.
* * * * * *
Finally: Grandpa William (* not my grandpa) is being darling, but Corina needs help I can’t give her:
From: William
Subject: HELLO
Good morning sweetie,
I would like to face time with you and your brothers and sisters. Let me know when a good time to do this. Since I can’t see you in person this is the next best thing.
Love Grandpa
Sent from my iPad
* * * * * * *
From: Corina
Subject: Could you possibly sub for me?
Hi Sarah! Shay from 4S referred me to you. I was wondering if you could possibly sub for me at 4s dance on Sat. March 5th. I teach from 9am to 11:45am. The 1st class is a rosebud/bluebell combo class, the 2nd is the lilacs level, and the 3rd class is primary level. If you could please let me know as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
PMA Certified Pilates Instructor
Classical Ballet, Tap, and Jazz Instructor
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