Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


In which Other Me’s around the world :

  • apply for positions that are probably above them in Indiana
  • get pretty with Bath & Body Works adverts, as well as Mary Kay news from Annie in Morro Bay, California
  • get more ads from Pizza Express in England
  • request quotes for business insurance from Donovan in Toronto and house painting from Judy at Kitsap Paintsmith in Washington (who seem very reasonably priced, but from whom I learn the SeaTac-area Other Me’s actual last name as well as her address and that she has a house with a deck, carport and white fence. The internet is a scary thing, people.)
  • deal with the hacking of Alison’s Gmail in England
  • get Blackberry Messenger add requests from Alyssa in South Carolina
  • receive forwards from Autumn, whose email is “husky lover”, implying either that she’s into fluffy dogs, or that’s she’s chubby but affectionate – I didn’t want to spoil it by asking
  • learn about the new site of Macmillan Cancer Support in England
  • have a lesson rescheduled by Franck in France, whose very name cracks me up, thanks to Father of the Bride… but a lesson in what??
  • learn that Kelly’s friend Shanna isn’t good at giving out information
  • get back in touch with Matt in Atlanta (well, he tries, anyway)
  • get wedding photographs from Lisa from what appears to have been an interestingly themed turquoise-and-black wedding

As always, a selection follows:

Subject: Thank You For Your Application

Thank you very much for your interest in employment opportunities with McDonald’s.

If you have applied for a specific position for which you are qualified, we will contact you in the near future if an interview is appropriate. Your application will be considered active for 30 days.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in working for McDonald’s and we wish you success in your job search.

You applied to the McDonald’s located at: 2230 S Sherman Dr, Indianapolis, IN

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From: Alison
Subject: Hi from my yahoo account

Hello there

Just to let you know – bloody google have suspended my gmail account due to “suspicious activity” which might mean my account was hacked here. So if you’ve emailed me thats why I won’t have replied.

No way of finding out what is going on and I’ve filled in the form to request the account to be reactivated but have heard nothing. It’s been 3 days now and I am furous about it, there is no way to contact google other than that form so I have no idea when or even if I will get my account back. It’s got all my email addresses, and passwords etc.

Can you send me your bt email so that I can add it to my yahoo contacts.

Hope all is well with you. I’m flying back home tomorrow, thank goodness – had enough now!


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From: Franck Schembri
Subject: Cancel our lesson today

Hello Sara,
Sorry to ask you that so late but would it be possible to cancel our lesson this morning?
I unfortunately have a conf call at 10am and i will not be able to stay more that 30 minutes.
If not e will have a short lesson.
Thank you.

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From: Kelly
Subject: Hi from Kelly

Hi Sarah,

Shanna gave me your email..Just wanted to say how wondeful Shanna is and to send my love..I told Shanna I will send you some pictures of her with her cousins at lake Mendocino so you can see how she spent her time….Let me knpw if this is the correct email and we will send photos when David downloads them…xoKelly

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From: Matt
Subject: What up?

Hope you are doing well. I never log on to Facebook but I happned to for the first time in about 3 months and now we are friends, oh my gah, I’m so excited! In all seriousness, I haven’t been able to spend much time in Atlanta recently because I’ve been traveling so much but my girlfriend is moving to Atlanta and I’m going to be around alot more. We should hang out sometime, I think you would get along well with Heather. At any rate, give me a shout some time. Talk to you later.


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