Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Vacaville Honda will give me (well, Californian Other Me) cash for my clunker!

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British Other Me is taking an hour-long personality survey as part of her application process for New Zealand’s Napier i-SITE Visitor Centre.

And I’ll have you know that it’s only because I report all mistaken identity cases to you lot (and therefore would A. feel guilty and B. probably get caught) that I’ve been able to resist taking it in her stead. Because it’d be really fricking sweet to work in New Zealand.

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Aritza‘s “Snooze You Lose” sale is going on now. Hurry, Canadian Other Me!

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Other W. Me has 40,768 lifetime miles on United.  (Actual Me wins.)

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Hee, this literally came in as I was un-starring that final email. Save the best for last indeed. Tell me what you make of this:

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Laura
To: Sarah
Subject: Fw: Sam wrote on your Wall…

——Original Message——
From: Facebook
To: Laura
Subject: Sam wrote on your Wall…

Sam posted something on your Wall and wrote:

“Happy Birthday Crack Head!!!!! Enjoy your day at Chuckee Cheese. All my love Snoop Sammy Sam.”

The Facebook Team

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As always, to get the full Mistaken Identity story, go through the category or see where it all started.