Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Other W. Me has requested a temporary password for her United frequent-flyer account. Unfortunately, as I’m the one with it, and I prefer Continental, it’s not doing either of us any good.

Virginia Other Me is shopping at Harriet Price’s Luxe Interiors, California Other Me is shopping for a car, and an undetermined Other Me returned an Elmo Live at Target.

Lovely Dirk of the Senior Mac Ops Studio in New Zealand requested approvals of a new contact form from Other Me. (I think it looks great, but doubt that helps him much.) We had a delightful little conversation anyway. And how often do you get to hear this? “Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Well, when it arrives, as it is Friday here already.”

Some Other Me is a fan of Tuaca liqueur, and Tacoma’s Wildside Wine is a fan of Washington Other Me.

Mo is sending Caleb and Other Me guides to diapering and preventing swine flu. I assume Caleb and Other Me are both new parents… and germy?

Katie thinks Other Me would like Annie’s blog, in the running for a Body Shop award. (Let’s all go vote for her. Why not?)

And Paul would like to connect on Yahoo. With whom, I’m not sure.