Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


In this Christmas Shopping edition, Other Me’s in Florida, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Canada and elsewhere have been getting discounts galore to Wildside Wine, Ben Franklin Crafts & Frames, Mexx, Chrome, Uno’s and United Airlines.

They’ve also been invited to sponsor the Tastefully Simple “Tyrannosaurus Racks” team for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day. (No, I don’t get it either. Is it a boob joke – “rack”?)

And Tacoma Other Me kept the time chip after she ran the 2009 Centre at Norpoint Turkey Trot, so she’s got to mail it back now. On the other hand, she’s got a cool hobby:

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From: Joe
Subject: Coast Guard Safe Boating Class

Hi Sarah, I am following up on your earlier interest in taking the one day Coast Guard Safe Boating class on Saturday December 12 at the BI Commons on Bainbridge Island.  I am attaching a notice of the class. Please let me know if you are going to attend this class.  I apologize for this note as my email system collapsed and I lost all emails over the last few months. So I am trying to “rebuild” my class list.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Joe Dunstan
Safe Boating Instructor
USCG Auxiliary, Bainbridge Island, Wa

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And I don’t know if you remember cute little Tommy in his underpants? He’s still cute, in case you were wondering. Not sure if he’s begun wearing pants, though.


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Worst of all – for me – though, England’s Other Me got stinking GREAT tickets to see Eddie Izzard in Brighton, and I’m insanely jealous of her. Row F Seats 11 and 12 indeed. Lucky cow.