Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan

  • Forwards that Libby wanted to send her son’s girlfriend and that Paul wanted to send to every variant of Other Me’s email that he could think of are keeping my inbox full of cutesy and festive sparkly graphics. Which is about as delightful as you are imagining.
  • Dana is helping Pittsburgh Other Me apply for a Department of Human Services Scholars in Local Government fellowship. Good luck!
  • An Other Me of undetermined locale joined Facebook. And has a lot of friends accepting her friend requests. A lot.
  • Another Me joined ooVoo, but I have to say, she picked a really dumb password.
  • Seattle Other Me continues to be very involved in the local arts scene.
  • Other W. Me of Virginia continues to fly United frequently, hopefully with no problems caused by the fact that I’m getting all of her communications about said flights. Her vacation plans do look lovely though – I hope she’s having fun in Italy.

Yes, there’s much afoot at the start of the year. Three of particular note follow, saving the BEST ONE EVER for last.

* * *
From: Richie
Subject: Image Magazine debs photos

Hi Girls

Hope you all had a great night at the debs. I have attached a contact sheet of pictures if you would like to get prints.
Image printed different colour dresses so there was a lot of nice shots that didn’t appear in the magazine.

If you would like any prints just email me

Talk to you soon

I haven’t included the contact sheet because it’s a bunch of teenage kids and their full names. But it’s fun to see an Other Me. She has great taste in dresses and a very cute boyfriend, kind of Jonas-Brothers-y. But – I thought debutante things were from the Southern U.S., not England? Is this not the case? Did I not pay enough attention watching What a Girl Wants?

Did I just admit that?

Ahem. Onward.

* * *

From: Jenny
Subject: Indoor soccer


Here’ the link to register for indoor if you interested. IF you are interested you will want to go online & register. Come 15 minutes early. Please have Delani wear a white tshirt. I have a blue jersey if we wear thoughs for her. I will also be forwarding you more messages that I have recieved. Any questions call me.



So if anyone else is having trouble finding the registration tab like I did, here it is [REDACTED]. You can pay your fee online, but it only lets you pay a max of $40.

I paid the $40 online and will have the difference with Maddie on Saturday. :) Thanks for doing this another session.


I’m leaving out the subsequent indoor-soccer-scheduling drama, but suffice it to say that Delani is a very busy little girl.

* * *

From: Gary
Subject: FW: Country T-Top model information

Hi Sarah… you have a Country wood stove, which is great.. A very robust wood stove with a great reputation for heating. Do you know how old it is? Lennox bought Country a few years ago. The stoves are built in Auburn, Washington, not far from Bainbridge. The unit is likely an EPA certified unit , depending on age. It should have secondary air tubes on the ceiling of the unit. When you damper it down in the evening it goes into a secondary burn , which burns all gases and gives a longer burn time. If you send me an exact model number I can send you a owners manual.
Regards Gary

Okay, so this isn’t thrilling, I know.


It’s the very first time an Other Me has made contact!

From: Other Me with an S at the end
Subject: Re: Country T-Top model information

Dear Sarah,

Thanks again for forwarding the wood stove email.

I just checked out your blog, and have to claim Mistaken Episode #203 (boating class) as intended for me as well. However, there must still be a different “Tacoma Sarah” out there, as I did not run in the Turkey Trot. Inspiring to know that someone with a name so close to my own is participating in charity runs, though. I’ve always thought I’d have to work my ass off to be in shape enough to run a race–now I realize that I just have to work my s off.

Take care,
Plural You

I love her! You love her too, don’t you? Of course you do! But of course you do. How could you not be fabulous with a name like ours?