Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Ireland Other Me’s tutorial group with Dylan, Rachel, Niall and Darragh continues, for their undergrad Literature in Context class at University College Dublin.

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An Other Me is moving, and is helping her. Well. It would be, if she hadn’t signed up my address instead of hers.

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An Other Me joined Twitter at @Sarah_Morga. But she won’t have confirmed her account, because she asked that the confirmation email be sent… to me.

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England Other Me seems to enjoy Prezzo restaurants.

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Atlanta Other Me has just gotten engaged. And there are three reasons why I know this. First, she might be holding her researsal dinner at Ecco. I will note that the Group Dining Sales Manager was very classy in his response, even inviting me there, and judging from the pictures he sent, it’s a lovely place.

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She’s also contacted the Wedding Guild (is that like the Lollipop Guild?) at Our Lady of the Assumption to plan the wedding.

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Finally, she’s also participating in some focus groups on hair care, hair styles and hair accessories – perhaps for wedding-day hairdos?

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On my birthday, I got this:

From: Stephanie
Subject: Bookplates

Hi Sarah-
Do you have any signed bookplates available that you can send out to my mailing address? I’d love to receive some from you!

I’d be flattered, but I’m pretty sure she wants this Other Me.

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From: Maryann
Subject: nanny/housekeeper

Good afternoon,
My name is Lene I saw your posting on Jens list for your nanny and I was curious if she was still looking for work on Tues and Thursday’s? I have a 20 month old girl and I am going back to work p/t and I need someone on Tues for sitting and could give her Thursday to help clean. Please let me know and what her rates are. We live in Lake Balboa.

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While my family has a Maureen, Denis, Margaret and Kevin, this still isn’t meant for me. But Michael has welcomed me to the family anyway.

From: Maureen
Subject: addresses and emails
To: Margaret, Martha, Chris, Kathryn, Neil, Beth, Michael, Mary, Annie, Kevin, Caleb, Sarah

Hi everyone,
Uncle Denis asked me to give everyone a head’s up about Aunt Denise’s 60th birthday this summer. It is in August – her actual birthday is 5th – so it should be in that week. He asked me for everyone’s emails/addresses to send out invites. Anyway, here is my email list. I am not sure if I have everyone’s most recent address. Fill me in with changes, updates, etc…And, if I am missing someone’s husband, wife, fiance…….let me know.
Thanks Guys. Have a good one.