Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Obie has provided the estimate for California Other Me’s bathroom remodel. It seems very reasonable. She should go for it.

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UK Other Me is staying at Burn Hall for a couple of days. It looks lovely.

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From: Carolynn
Re: Photos

Hi Sarah, Steve, Isabelle & Luke

Hope you are all well.

I do apologise for not sending photo’s, I have not forgotten, the problem was because I have been ill in bed for just over a week. Mel is hopeless at using the computer so I could not get a message to you.

Anyway I have them ready to send to you so I will do so in the next few days.

Hope the weather has been better where you are then here – rain – rain and more rain, I think I was maybe better off in bed!!!

Take care and will be in touch very soon

Mel & Carolynn

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In which I learn UK Other Me’s email address – and, frankly, it’s dumb. No wonder everybody gets confused.

From: Tess
To: Rachel, Lisa Jayne, Emma, Joanne
Re: FW: Going Out


hello hope you are all well.

Sarah glad you are coming for both nights it should be a good laugh.

the wedding is booked for 30th April 2011 at Hatherton Country house Hotel in Penkridge ( Sarah i know what day it is but sorry only have one weekend off a month).

Secondly dates for a get together

Wed 16/6, Thurs 17/6, Mon 5/7, Tues 6/7, Wed 7/7, Tues 13/7, Wed 14/7, Thurs 15/7, Sat 17/7 all of the above are evenings free

I would obviously like you all to meet Adam so partners preferably – but if not a girly night out

hope to see you all soon


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In which we discover that UK Other Me has multilingual hopes for her little one.

From: Marianne
Re: Baby Speaking


Je fais suite à notre conversation téléphonique et vous envoie comme convenu notre brochure détaillant nos services, notre fonctionnement ainsi que nos tarifs (notamment avec le détail des aides de la CAF) / plus d’informations sur

Je vous envoie dans l’email qui suit un devis sur la base des heures dont nous avions parlée.

Dans un premier temps je vous remercie de bien vouloir nous renvoyer le devis choisi signé, accompagné de nos conditions générales de service ainsi que le chèque – à envoyer à : BABY-SPEAKING, 49 rue bichat, 75010 – de règlement des frais d’adhésion annuels de 100 € avant défiscalisation. Suite à la rencontre et validation de votre baby-speaker, vous pourrez nous régler la formule choisie (possibilité d’échelonner le paiement) par prélèvement (informations bancaires à remplir dans document joint au devis).

Je me tiens à votre entière disposition pour toutes informations complémentaires,

