In which Atlanta Other Me’s email begins to get on my nerves. But more about that later. First, a bit of overseas Other Me action. Incidentally, how great is the new embedded translator in Gmail?
Madame, Monsieur,
Vous avez été en contact avec notre société et envisagiez une garde pour la rentrée de septembre. Je me permets de revenir vers vous à ce sujet et vous invite à me contacter afin que nous puissions examiner ensemble les solutions que j’ai à vous proposer.
Sincères salutations,
Marianne and have I exchanged emails before, but the plot’s thickened. It turns out that the person she was trying to reach was actually one of her competitors fishing for information. Who knew that baby language development was such an espionage-rife industry?
* * *
More colored font and italics and exclamation points from Hannah to one of the teenage Other Me’s. I’ll spare you.
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More on the Atlanta Wedding. Because you were waiting with bated breath.
Hello Sarah,
Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding! I know you must be very excited!
I would love to help you with rooms for your out of town guests while they are here helping you celebrate your Big Day! At Courtyard Executive Park, we specialize in accommodations for your out of town guests.
Rates starting at $74 per night
Complimentary suite with 10+ rooms in your block
Complimentary shuttle within 3.5 mile radius with 15+ rooms booked
Never a financial obligation for rooms not picked up.
Please reach me at [REDACTED]. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to set up a site tour. I look forward to speaking with you.
* * *
More stores sending news of new collections to Atlanta Other Me: J. Crew this time. (And also, fashion alerts from Mexx Canada. Is there a Canadian Other Me now?)
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And to finish the Atlanta trifecta, a dialoge with Gerald. Please note that in each communication, he can see my name, my email address, and my New Jersey telephone number. I will only say that I hope he manages assets better than he understands email.
Gerald: Correction: It was a transfer
Sarah: I believe you have sent this to the wrong person. Please confirm.
Gerald: No that was for you.
Sarah: I’m sorry, I don’t know you. Could you please clarify who you’re trying to reach?
Gerald: Sarah Morgan?
Sarah: Yes, my name is Sarah Morgan. However, I do not know you, I do not work with you, and since you seem to be based in Atlanta and I live in New Jersey, I really do suspect that you are looking for another Sarah Morgan. I get a lot of email meant for a Sarah Morgan who lives in Atlanta. If she’s the one I’m thinking of, she’s planning a wedding, and has a fondness for shoes.
Gerald: Crazy. How can you both have same email address. Sorry.
Sarah: We do not have the same email address. This is my email address, not hers.
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