Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


It’s a huge issue of Other Me mix-ups from all over the world this time…

In which we learn that an Other Me signed up for Skype and I got the confirmation email; that Other Me of Hopkins Road, Balla, Ireland, just bought a (frankly terrible) song called “Promises We Hold” by Sean Og on iTunes; that there’s an Other Me in New Zealand; that North Carolina Other Me is a vet looking to work in Ecuador; that Atlanta Other Me continues to party; that U.K. Other Me continues to have pretty fabulous friends and just signed up for BBC Good Food (which I also frequent); and that one of the Other Me’s, somewhere, is 38 weeks pregnant. Who might be the one that Jodie is sending children’s rugs to. And Matt (not my brother) tagged Other Me in a photo on the dorkily named ShoppyBag (a website on which my brother would never be caught). And pictures of puppies and kids. But first, here’s a corker from Michigan Other Me.

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From: Mom
Re: xmas presents for the kiddies….

This is true, you would be acting like them. This way you will save face with the rest of your family at least. Well no one asked if you were coming like Grandma and Grandpa. They will be impressed if you do go I guess. But they will also have respect for you with what ever you choose! Talk at you later. MOM

From: Sarah

so i was thinking of going because if we dont go then we’re acting like they did… ugh. i dont know what to do. because i dont really want to get up at 7:30 in the morning but i dont want to act like them…
i’ll prob call you in the morning when i get up.

From Mom

Hi, Are you thinking of coming tomorrow? I was thinking about this, if you don’t come, they will get a pretty good message of how you truely feel! Plus how much of this will Aiden remember? He won’t remember who is there and right now his parents are using this to get some attention. If you go, we are all acting like she acts, we blow up, have a hissy fit and go back to life as normal as it can be.
If I were you and you didn’t care if you saw the kids or not, I’d stay home! But if you want to see the kids then I’d go for the kid’s sake.

I wonder how much easier it is staying with Bob and Teddy than it is here? I hope that they are enjoying themselves but at the same time I hope it is getting on their nerves! It sounds like Aiden isn’t sleeping well at all. Rachel said the first night they woke up sweating to death, it is way too hot there! Ha! I like to hear this but at the same time it is nice not having them here! They are a lot of work! I hope that soon they realize this, it is not all fun and games to have them stay with us! It works both ways! Okay, thanks for letting me unload. You take care and have a good one.

We went to the North Star’s hockey game. There weren’t many people there and it was a good game. They won 5-4. Amy picked up Adrianna at Centre Ice but had to go right home. I was hoping the girls would be at the game with us, they are fun. I like to eat with them! We got pizza, pop and M & M’s! So we did pretty well.

See you maybe tomorrow! Love, mom

From: Sarah

so this is what i’m thinking of for the kids….
make up kit for kaitlin
or maybe a stamp set. found some cute stuff on amazon, which i’ll prob end up ordering off there so i dont have to go shopping.

then for hailey, something noisy – hands on type of thing.

and for aiden, maybe one of those plush stuffed animals or something.

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From: Takapuna Boating Club Membership

Hi Sarah,

I hope this helps and gives you more scope to make the calls.

Maybe Ray can help as Kim has already contacted all the yacht clubs looking for boats….another call wouldn’t’ hurt to Auckland clubs for crews


Evelyn Johnson
Takapuna Boating Club Inc

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From: The Prince Albert Events
Subject: Dinner at The Prince Albert on the 18th December

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for paying the deposit today for hopefully 25 people on the 18th.
Just to confirm that you don’t mind if maybe one more table is in the room with you –
which means there would no longer be a minimum charge?

Also, just to remind you that I will need choices of food – either in the feast format or individually plated.
A week before is good enough.
Kind regards,

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From: Ben
Re: Baby Girl

Here a photo of MOLLY

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From: CAW
Re: CAW Survey

Dear Colleague:

Thank you for completing the Fall 2010 Survey of Contingent Faculty Members, Instructors, and Researchers, sponsored by the Coalition on the Academic Workforce (CAW). I’m writing on behalf of the Coalition to update you on the survey’s progress, seek your help gathering additional responses, and let you know about CAW’s plans for publishing findings.

To date, the survey has gathered more than 20,000 responses, but we are hoping for many more. Please forward the URL for the questionnaire —— to colleagues and encourage them to complete it. The survey is open until the end of November.

Release of an initial report of findings is planned for spring 2011. No report of survey findings will permit identification of any individual; all personal information collected through the survey will remain confidential.

Respondents have been generous in adding comments to their survey responses. Many comments made suggestions for improving the questionnaire, and CAW will use these when developing future surveys. Other comments offered insights and observations that will add an invaluable dimension to the survey’s statistical data. Again, all responses are confidential and no report will permit identification of any individual.

We hope you will encourage your non-tenure-track colleagues to complete the survey. CAW is a group of 22 higher education associations, disciplinary associations, and faculty organizations committed to addressing issues associated with deteriorating faculty working conditions. For more information about the Coalition, visit CAW’s Web site,

With thanks for your participation in this project,

Charles G. Haws
Manager of Programs
Society of Biblical Literature
825 Houston Mill Road
Atlanta, GA 30329

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From: Victoria Madrigal
Re: Evite Invitation: Vic’s Last Birthday Before the Big 30!

View invitation

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From: Globomail Free Forwarding
Re: Globomail Free Forwarding Confirmation (#16412748) – Receive Mail from [email protected]

[email protected] has requested to automatically forward mail to your email address [MY EMAIL ADDRESS, DAMMIT].

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From: Gary
Re: a picture for you

Merry Christmas Polar Express! You and the kids of J Stefani!

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From: Patti
Re: Marketing Position

Linda, with whom you submitted your resume has shared your information with me. I too have a position in my department that I am seeking to fill. I’ve listed the position below. Let me know if you might be interested.



Program Services Coordinator

Premier Education Solutions, a national leader in mental health continuing education, is seeking an individual to work in our Program Services department. This is a flexible full time position during regular business hours Monday – Friday.

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From: Bill
Subject: panto

Sarah – great to speak to you and thank you for thinking of me for your Christmas do – gutted to be missing it!

This is my panto email that I have sent out…

Lots of love Billy xx

Dear All

Firstly please forgive the mass email.

Many of you will have heard me say that I had finally hung up my panto tights and left it up to a younger more talented group of individuals…

That was the case.

However, someone has pulled out and I have had my arm twisted to return…so I will now be performing in Backend Productions’ panto this December (the first since 2007, when Beany, the writer took a break) as “Priscilla”, the panto dame…

The show this year is Beauty and the Bust, with 5 evening shows and one matinee from Tuesday 7th to Saturday 11th December at Fulham Town Hall (opposite Fulham Broadway tube). It is a Vegas-themed show and very much the same formula as before – this is pantomime with a difference – very much aimed at an adult audience, lots of filthy innuendo, scantily-clad girls and with much cheesy singing and dancing (you will get to see me do a song) to classic hits from the last 30 years. This is the 11th show that backend have put on and there are lots of newcomers to the cast (boys will be pleased to hear that they is some excellent new eye candy!)

The show has become a bit of an Institution in West London. Most of the audience are regulars and know that it is one of top nights (if not the top night) of the year. Not only do you get a great fun show to watch but it is also a great social event especially in the interval bar where you will bump into lots of people you know. The fun is maximised if you can come in a group of 4 or more as it makes the evening a real party. Basically, you will have a great time.

There is an after-show party on the Friday and Saturday which are great fun and you can carry on partying to your heart’s content. But all nights are superb. On the Saturday we have the matinee show which is for kids and parents – if you have kids in the 4 – 12 bracket I would definitely bring them along it is good fun and both parent’s and kids love the show (although luckily they are blissfully unaware certain aspects of the jokes!!).

Tickets are on sale now and are selling very fast – in fact I was told this morning that we only have 40 tickets left for Friday. Do therefore get cracking with sorting groups out as soon as possible – and please let me know which night you are coming and with whom and I will put an attendee schedule together like I have done in previous years and circulate by email so you can link up with others on the night. Sadly, I am not allowed to reserve seating so make sure you get there good and early on the night and bagsy some seats.

For tickets, click on the following link:-

Any problems, please give me a call.

I look forward to seeing you there!

For and on behalf of
Cranmer Investments

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From: Qwest High-Speed Internet Technical Support
Subject: Your Contact with Qwest High-Speed Internet Technical Support

Dear Sarah:

We were happy to work with you today on your Qwest High-Speed Internet® Service. We appreciate your business and hope that everything is now running smoothly.

If you need to call back or follow up with Qwest® Technical Support regarding this call today, please reference the following ticket number:

Ticket Reference Number: 16903022

For additional help in the future:

View videos to assist with wireless and email self help troubleshooting:
Watch a wireless video about how to set up your modem and computer wirelessly.
Watch an email video about setting up and managing your Qwest email accounts.

Check out our Qwest self-help Web site. This site provides a wide array of step-by-step documents and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for self-help troubleshooting for:
General High-Speed Internet Questions

Visit our customer forum known as The Qwest Internet Online Community. This forum makes it easy to get your questions answered and to share information about Internet services.

Begin a chat session. If you are unable to correct your issue through the video, Qwest self-help Web site or customer forum, one of our knowledgeable and experienced online agents will troubleshoot your problem with you.

Send us an e-mail inquiry through an online troubleshooting request form.


Travis Leo
Director, Network Operations

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From: Tom
Subject: Re: Checking in / Update on my international project

Thanks so much Primo. Very helpful.
Lunch, yes. Third week in Dec? When?

From: Primo
To: Tom
Subject: RE: Checking in / Update on my international project

Good to hear from you, Tom.

The person to contact at FAO is Dr. Juan. I suggest that Dr. Other Me should also get in touch with Dr. Ottorino, Director of the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center of PAHO (PANAFTOSA). I am sending a cc of this e-mail to Dr. Ottorino who should have the most current information on FMD and the Veterinary Services in Ecuador.

In Ecuador, a good contact will be Dr. Hugo, formerly the Chief Veterinary Officer and PAHO Veterinary Public Health Advisor. He just retired from PAHO and is back in Ecuador. I will try to get his contact address and send it to you.

How about lunch sometime. We are just across the street from each other.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving holiday.


AAVMC Consultant for International Affairs & GIVE Program

From: Tom
To: Primo
Subject: Fw: Checking in / Update on my international project

Please read the below request from an outstanding Veterinarian beginning work on FMD in Ecuador.
Would you provide her with suggested persons to connect to.

From: Vet Other Me
To: Tom
Subject: Checking in / Update on my international project

Hi Tom!

It’s been awhile since we last emailed and I wanted to give you a brief update on how I ended up obtaining my international experience. Through various channels that you created (thank you!) I ended up being contacted by Radiance Technologies and have signed on with them as one of their analysts to conduct a Veterinary Capabilities Assessment for Ecuador. (I leave Dec 28th and return Jan 20th) I met Dr. Marty Vanier at the AABP national mtg in Albuquerque and she has been gracious enough to speak with me several times regarding my interest in the larger scope fo the project. I am in the process of identifying my targets and trying to make some initial introductions but the government in Ecuador changes annually and information on websites can’t be trusted. I have a few questions that I thought you might be able to help with given your extensive networking. Let me know if you can provide any info or introductions on the following ideas…

I recently found a posting on the FAO website for a person to travel to Ecuador in 2010 to evalaute their diagnostic labs and programs for Foot and Mouth Disease. How could I go about finding out who received that posting and potentially contact them for an interview or chat? I don’t know anyone in FAO and my sources tell me these positions are often designed for specific people so the list shouldn’t be extensive – just finding the right person to ask I think.

Do you know Dr. John Clifford in the USDA? He is the official USA member of the OIE according to their website. I would like to contact him and see if he can recommend anyone in the Ecuadorian government that might be able to speak with me. I am particularly struggling with identifying a military veterinarian and who the best person might be to talk about some of the FAD programs. If you have a good working relationship with John, perhaps you could provide an emai lintroduction???

Do you know how I might find out which US agribusinesses have the greatest hold in Ecuador? I know Universal Tobacco has a huge farm but they don’t deal with animals. I have a contact with Cobb (chicken) but I don’t know of a large scale pig farm I might be able to visit. I think I might be more likely to encounter a private veterinarian in bigger farms than the smaller local ones.

Lastly – if you have any good contacts in Ecuador or ideas for me then I am happy to hear them. I take my Boards on Tuesday and then after that I will be quite focused on this project and how I can do the best job possible. I appreciate very much your belief in me and your support to this point. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you are doing well.

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