Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


In which Other Mes are

  1. playing a faux-Harry-Potter online game,
  2. the only singleton invited to the holiday fest,
  3. insuring their pets.

This may be the saddest Mistaken Identity update ever.

* * *

Subject: Wizard101 Account Created

Thank you for creating an account to play Wizard101!
Login at and click “Play Now!” to start playing the game.
You can also click “My Accounts” after logging in to manage your account settings.

Thank you,
Merle Ambrose
Headmaster, Ravenwood School of Magical Arts

* * *

From: Nancy
Subject: Get together at Susan’s From The Zerbe’s
To: Cindy and Bruce, Phil and Susan, Sarah, Amanda and Joel

Hope to see eveyone at Susan’s house on Sunday the 26th. Sarah hope that you have good travel getting to Columbus.
I know they are talking about flooding rains in California and other states out there.
Jeff will be off all day Sunday so let us know for sure what time. As far as I know we can all be there.
Shane is bringing his girlfriend also.
Since Shane has graduated from college this December (waiting on his diploma to come in the mail in Janaury)
I thought I would bring a cake on Sunday to celebrate along with Christmas. If that is ok with eveybody.

Love, Nancy

* * *

From: Animal Friends Insurance Services Ltd
Subject: Important Changes to your Payment

Dear Mrs Morgan

We are writing to you in relation to your above policy for Poppy. As a result of the June 2010 Budget, the standard rate of insurance premium tax (IPT) is increasing from 5% to 6%. The change will take effect from 4th January 2011 and we will automatically adjust your scheduled payment so that you need take no further action. The new premium will be £9.89 per month which will be collected on or around 15/01/2011.
If you have any queries please contact our Customer Service Department on 0844 55 70 300 between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday.
If you have any friends or family who will benefit from our competitive and comprehensive policies please contact the Sales Department on 0844 55 70 300 between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday or 9am to 4pm Saturday.
Don’t forget for every policy you recommend we give £5 to an animal charity of your choice. With your help, so far this year we have donated £331,000 to animal charities.

Yours sincerely
Customer Services Manager
Animal Friends Insurance Services Limited

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