Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Yes, there are sales on offer at Vacaville Honda for San Fran Other Me, and from Baby Speaking for UK Other Me to help her baby learn French. But who cares?

Not I. Not when we have the first ever Mistaken Identity featuring bald men in leiderhosen playing dead!

New Zealand Other Me went to a murder-mystery dinner with one of her insurance coworkers. And then she sent all the pictures from it to me. One imagines that she forgot her own email address. Again.

What was it like, you ask? Well, why don’t you take a peek?

Gentleman in plaid shirt, I am disappoint. Unless your costume is "preppy dude."

You don't see enough life vests at dinner. Safety first. (Also, I totally have that blonde wig.)

The aforementioned bald leiderhosen man.

I have no idea what's going on here, but I love that dude's expression.

This picture is awesome. I kinda hope this is New Zealand Other Me.