Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


One of the UK Other Me’s booked a trip for herself and three friends through Travelodge to the Manchester Center Arena. (I’d love to know why.) And one of the London Other Mes is shopping at Next again. Jelly.

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A New England Other Me is going on COBRA for her dental insurance. (One hopes she sets up her dental appointments better than her insurance email address.) And Dan in Pittsburgh (Other Me’s brother? Husband? Cousin?) sent over a job opening for a pharma sales rep job through The Ladders. No thank you.

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One of the Other Me’s is adding reviews to Angie’s List. I need a list where I can review Other Mes.

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Lots of emails from Annah – Other Me’s little cousin? (And who is Haidyn? Can we blame her for being a brat if she’s got to put up with a name spelled like that?)

From: Annah
Subject: Paris and washington

I found out that we r going to seattle and we will stay at uncle dons for a couple of days then to paris for 5 days then back to the lake for 2 weeks and then back to seattle and then back home i will email u a list of some of the stuff we will need to bring please respond

– annah
Ps this trip will b so fun if haidyn doesnt ruin it

From: Annah
Subject: Washington

Hey i am so excited for washington even though it is in like 5 months.

I will make a packing list of the basics and email it to u soon
– Annah

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Another handful of emails come from Anne-Marie in France, and I’m putting the whole exchange in in the original French because, frankly, any day a Frenchwoman compliments me on my French is a red-letter day. Lovely woman.

From: Anne-Marie
Subject: Re: Repas

Merci beaucoup Sarah de me prévenir de mon erreur , et BRAVO pour votre français !!

From: Me
Subject: Re: Repas

Bonjour Anne-Marie,

Je suis desole, mais je ne suis pas la Sarah Morgan que vous connais. J’habite en les Etats-Unis.

From: Anne-Marie
Subject: Repas

Coucou la belle
Le vendredi j’ai peu de temps pour manger : çà va être difficile.
On attend que tu aies ton emploi du temps du mercredi 15 : peut-être ce sera possible. Sinon après les vacances je pourrai le jeudi , sous réserve de te quitter à 13h30. Ce sera pareil le mardi à partir de 20 janvier .

Dis moi ce qui te convient.

Je te fais de gros bisous