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Sarah Morgan


Georgia Other Me has signed me up for emails from her favorite wine bar, Three Blind Mice. California Other Me has done the same for Tova Day Spa. At the end of a long week, where I’m sitting with a pile of work and an ice pack between my back and the chair, both options sound very appealing.

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One of the UK Other Mes has signed me up for with the frankly nauseating username of sarahkiss. I feel that my getting her sign-up has prevented her from making a mistake, and therefore it counts as my good deed for the day.

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Texas Other Me is renting a condo at Camden Northpointe – and she moved in on my birthday! The units she checked out aren’t cheap, but the facility does look lovely.

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Swansea (UK) Other Me has had her Simply Be credit card bought out.

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From: Kate
To: Virginia Other Me
Subject: Kindergarten 2012 Playgroup

Hi, everyone

I am putting together a playgroup for rising [REDACTED] Elementary kindergarteners. I have spoken with several of you about this and I would like to ask for your help in getting the word out to our neighbors. My son is [REDACTED] and we live in [REDACTED]. If you are included in this e-mail and would like to continue to receive my e-mails, then you do not need to reply (or you can simply reply “yes-keep me included”. If you would like me to remove you from this list, let me know. Please forward this request to friends who may want to join. As the weather gets warmer, I plan to meet on certain Fridays at [REDACTED]… probably around 4:00 or 4:30. This is just a chance to meet other rising kindergarteners and form some friendships (both for the kids and parents!).

Kindergarten registration is April 19, by the way. Hope to hear from each of you soon and I’ll keep you posted on our meeting dates.


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And finally, awww – Alex had a baby girl and wanted to show her off to an unidentified Other Me!