Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Some weeks you really start to wonder how it is that people don’t know their own email addresses. This wondering often happens after you find yourself signed up for Netflix and Apple ID and Match and Gerber Grow-Up Life Insurance and Amazon.

Ladies, I do not WANT your new iPod Touch or your milk thistle or your policies or your boyfriends in Austin. 

Especially when you send emails like this one-line winner. WTF? Who does this?

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From: Quality Value Depot – Amazon Marketplace
Subject: Re: Product details inquiry from Amazon customer Sarah Morgan (Order: 002-3466161-5900219)

Hello, 1 per day, thanks

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Sarah Morgan – Amazon Marketplace wrote:
Order ID 002-3466161-5900219:
1 of Vivid Nutrition High Potency MILK THISTLE Supplement (3 Bottles) – Most Absorbable Formula. Improve Liver Function and Support Immune System – 1000mg/ [ASIN: B003YTFJAA]

————- Begin message ————-

Hello, How many capsules do i tiggidy take per day?

————- End message ————-

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In other news, Patrick challenged Other Me to a NCAA bracket. I played one once. I chose based on uniform colors. I could have set a $20 bill on fire and gotten more out of the experience.

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From: Kristen
Subject: It’s Baking time for Year 1!

Dear All

It’s bake sale time again and the proceeds from the bake sales support the entire year not only our class so please support each other’s sales. We’ll put the money towards something fun for both classes to do together this year.

Next Friday March 23rd is Mrs Bush’s class sale
Then later Friday April 20th after the hols is 1B’s sale meaning there’ll be little time to organise this since kids aren’t back in school until Tuesday 17th so I thought it best to flag on this email.

Rana, Efe’s mum (2nd on this email chain) has already set the ball in motion with the school protocol on the bake sale so now we all just have to sign up to something. Lisa will put a sign up sheet on our door so get thinking about what you can do that will not cause you stress! (I’m the worst at baking)


If the weather is good we will set up the sale in the junior playground at 3.00.
If you feel like helping, please notify either Rana or myself (Juliette’s mum).


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