Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Maureen in Rhode Island sent her Other Me sister a lovely slideshow describing the world as a global village.

Oh, sorry.
One of my sisters changed her email address and I tried to guess!
I am glad you enjoyed the email!
Have a good weekend

Connie in Georgia is asking me questions I don’t know the answers to.

From: Connie
To: Sarah
Subject: Re: library/technology standards
Should I use the AASL standards since Georgia does not have any?

From: Judy
To: Connie Reynolds
Subject: Re: library/technology standards
Georgia’s Library Media standards disappeared several years ago. We do have GaDOE policies. Many Media Specialists use the SACS, AASL, ALA, and ISTE standards.

Judy Serritella
Coordinator of Library Media Services

April in Seattle and I had a very nice conversation. She seems to be quite busy feeding her child’s teachers.

From: April
To: Sarah
Re: Hospitality Oct 7
If I have already emailed you from Amie French’s list sorry- This is the list for this year!
Hello Hospitality volunteers,
Thank you all for signing up to help with hospitality. We have 30 people interested in helping with hospitality this year! This is my first year helping out with hospitality and I am very excited to be a part of this group. We will set up a wonderful meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) for the teachers/faculty each month. Each month we will have a different theme for decorations and Meals. I will email everybody two weeks in advance before each function. I want everybody to feel like they can participate as much as they want. I realize life is busy and expensive so do what YOU can.
You can help by bringing an ingredient, serving dish, a prepared meal, decorations or helping set up or break down. If you can’t prepare a big meal than maybe bring one or two ingredients and as a group we can build a delicious meal!
Our first dinner for the teachers will be on Tuesday October 7 starting at 4:30PM. I want to do an “Italian theme” dinner. Tammy and Amie were telling me that we should have enough for 30 people and have around 2-3 main dishes, salad and bread. What I need help with:
Main dish- Pasta dish (1 person for 30 people –OR- 2 people for 15 people)
Main dish- Pasta dish (1 person for 30 people –OR- 2 people for 15 people)
Main dish- Lasagna (April )
Plastic pitchers- I will bring the ice tea
Decorations- I would love to have a “fall” theme (pumpkins, leaves etc)
Extra- Note for teachers, Set up, break down etc
I will be constantly emailing everybody the updated list. Again if you can’t bring a dish but can bring an ingredient I would love to cook it.
I will find out if your child could bring the ingredient to school to have me pick it up.
Because this is my fist time I would love suggestions for this dinner as well as future dinners!
Thank you, April

From: Sarah
To: April
Re: Hospitality Oct 7
I’m sorry, you’ve sent this to the wrong Sarah Morgan – I’m afraid I don’t know you!

From: April
To: Sarah
Re: Hospitality Oct 7
Hello Sarah Morgan,
Sorry- I am the PTA Chair person for Hospitality and Teacher appreciation at Crescent Heights Elementary school. I got your info from a sign up sheet that was sent home with your child. I hope this helps. Are you still interested in helping?
Thanks April

From: Sarah
To: April
Re: Hospitality Oct 7
No, I think you’ve misunderstood – I’m sure you intended to reach someone named Sarah Morgan, and my name IS Sarah Morgan, but I’m single, childless, and live in New Jersey. I’m pretty sure I’m not the Sarah Morgan you wanted to be speaking with!

From: April
To: Sarah
Re: Sorry
No I don’t think you want to help out at a school in Seattle WA. LOL

From: Sarah
To: April
Re: Sorry
Yeah, I’m all for volunteering, but that’s a bit extreme :) Good luck though!