In which Other Mes around the country are sent final exams and photos of school superintendants; are invited to girls’ weekends, 21st birthdays, fashion-jewelry parties, and spas (in both GA and WA – having my name must automatically mean loving a good massage); receive a variety of newsletters; learn about the vocal stylings of Nancy Griffith ; test my French comprehension (an Other Me is applying to be a foreign-language teacher); and are spammed with email chain letters promising free Marks & Spencer vouchers.
A selection of the best are below, but I’m saving number 88 for its own episode. It’s worth it….
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From: Teri
Re: CSLA Administrative Leadership Award
Superintendent of Schools
Long Beach Unified School District
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From: Loane
Re: girls’ weekend
Hey girls,
We have a late but cool addition for our girl’s weekend – my lovely friend Ana. So there’s six of us in total….yay!
Will be in touch next weekend with more details eg bedding, transport, etc. but just wanted to remind you that it’s the weekend after next.
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From: Janet
Subject: another song . . .
Nanci Griffith has a song called "Back When Ted Loved Sylvia." FYI.
Associate Professor
Department of English
Marshall University
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From: Afel Inter
Bonsoir Madame,
Afin de finaliser votre contrat, merci de me fournir les noms et prénoms de vos parents, leurs dates de naissance et lieux de naissance
Bien cordialement
Assistante de Direction
[email protected]
Ophira 1, Place J.Bermond
06650 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis
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From: Allison
Re: John Alan is turning 27!
Hi all,
John’s birthday is this Friday! Help him celebrate becoming an old man by joining us at Genki this Friday at 8:00pm for dinner and saki bombs (followed by Buckhead bars). Please forward this email Ben Q., Neely, Jody and Kim (I don’t have their email addresses)…and to anyone else that I unintentionally left off — the more the merrier!
Let me know if you’re going to be able to make it so I can make reservations. Thanks!
See you this weekend,
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From: Chara
Re: Cookie Lee for Christmas?
Hello there fellow MOPS Mamas! ;-)
You all had expressed an interest in some jewelry and I wanted to let you all know I was closing out
an order in a week. I could easily add anything you all wanted for the holidays. I am doing a special right now of buy two and get the third 1/2 off. Everything is under $50 in the catalog and shipping is only $1 per item. If you click on my webpage it will allow you to view the catalog. The little girl jewelry is on the last few pages. Hope you all are doing well and are having a great weekend!
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From: Matt
Re: Hey this is Matt
I was wondering if you got my final from Ms. Stringer or not
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