Sarah Morgan


Some of the emails that I get for Other Me’s, I can’t redact enough to be not-privacy-problematic but still interesting.

Like the email from Other Me’s insurance broker with the card and details covering her ’01 Durango. Or another one’s LA Fitness billing info. Or another one’s purchase info for the Ultimate Body Applicator. (It’s a body wrap. I checked.) Or how Hannah wants to be Other Me’s Nook Friend. Or the receipt Other Me had the American Apparel in Montreal send to her (I wouldn’t have thought Quebec would permit American Apparels) (and except, you know, not to her, to me) after she bought this bag (in teal and red).

And some are just dull. Like Other Me’s new Instagram membership. Or her daughter’s membership on the MovieStarPlanet social network.

* * *

I have to say, though, this is the first musical one. And it’s pretty great. They seem to have been using it for women’s gymnastics floor exercises, and I can see why. It belongs behind a movie montage of the heroine getting badass. 

From: Shegaia and Shinora Floor Music
To: Other Me

Hey Delani,

here is the floor music you’ve asked for.
Have fun and take care.

With the kindest regards,
Shegaia and Shinora


* * *

Also, this from Albert. Cool stuff, Other Me.

From: Albert
Re: Kaycher wreck diving

Hi Sarah,
Have a look at the file attached…
I am gonna move there to run that diving centre (probably), perhaps you are interested to come along for a wreck diving…
If you need any more info come to amphibian and I can give you more details


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Lastly – this doesn’t really count as a Mistaken Identity post because it wasn’t sent to me, but an Other Me and I follow each other on Twitter – the romance writer – she’s perfectly lovely – and she’s just gotten the Most Gorgeous Writing Place Ever. Go look at it. That desk. The chair. The bookshelves. Those whitewashed walls. It’s just wonderful.