Sarah Morgan


Today’s wild rumpus includes:

  • Mary Kay emails from Tara
  • Problems with Other Me’s University of Michigan Credit Union account
  • Invoices for baby headbands from Goodnightmoon Props
  • Business enquiries from Australia Post wondering why Other Me hasn’t been answering her phone (she seems to have left both the wrong email AND phone number)
  • Detailed info about Other Me’s vacation rental (handsome, but excessively large and expensive, if you ask me, for a four-day vacation for only two people)
  • Piano lessons with Mr. Lieberman
  • Credit card information from Debbie
  • Houzz links to oil-rubbed bronze… things
  • Subscriptions to GoAnimate and
  • A set of screen shots from an Other Me to “herself” of screens from the Proloquo2Go assistive speech app
  • A resignation letter from an employee of Charles Wilson Engineer

And a couple that I’ll give you in full.

* * *

But first, a note. To let you know that Other Me is looking for a job.

I know this because she signed up for Snagajob and some other job clearinghouses – with, let’s remember, MY email address – and is applying for jobs. With, let’s remember, MY email address. Bed Bath & Beyond said she wasn’t qualified, but she’s waiting to hear back from Burger King and from Denny’s.

I don’t think she’ll find out, though, because I’M GETTING HER EMAILS.


* * *

Why is Rosemary writing from Edward’s address? Why is she bcc’ing Other Me? I HAVE QUESTIONS.

From: Edward (really Rosemary)
To: Denise
Cc: Bryan
Bcc: Other Me

Hello, yes I remembered that you might be coming up. I guess the boys want to see hot pools and the volcanos..

I suggest a stop at Turangi where son Alan and partner Sarah live in our joint house at 8 Mawake Place. This is in a state of renovation ( ghastly kitchen chaos, a real horror) but 3 of the 4 bedrooms are done and the living area is large and cosy. Close to the ‘volcanoes’ , National Trout centre, Whakapapa ski field, Tokaanu hot pools and the Tongariri River.

Then 1hr 15mins drive north you are already aquainted with our cottage at 21 Korari Crescent, Mangakino, this is very handy for day trips to Rotorua or Taupo (40mins) or the Pureora Forest Park and sits by Lake Maraetai and the Waikato river. Lovely riverside walk. It will sleep 6/8 . Alan and Sarah have keys to this place.

We are heading for the Kapiti Coast ourselves for a week’s holiday and planning to stay at Turangi on night of Fri 8th. You are welcome to stay in both houses, I just need dates in order to organize. We may be able to get away earlier ourselves so that we can meet up, which would be rather nice.

Love Rosemary

From: Denise

Hi Rosemary.
How does time fly away so quickly? I had intended to get in touch last month, but ……… I’m not sure which email is current so hope one reaches you. Hope you have managed to stay warm and dry during the recent awful weather.
We are looking forward to our daughter, Rachel, coming at the end of the month arriving Christchurch 29th July. We have planned a trip to the North Island (overseas) 4-8th August and will be in the Taupo region possibly 5-7th and it would be great to meet up and maybe stay if it is still convenient. There will be Derek and I with Rachel and her 2 boys Nathaniel (11) and Reuben(9). We can always find alternative accommodation if not. Look forward to hearing from you.
With love, Denise

* * *

From: Deb

I’ve looked at times and prices for Thursday. If you look through them then you can decide how you personally want to get to / do on Thurs.

Trains to Cardiff:
13.23….. about every 15 mins on av.

Trains to come home:

Buses from Theatre to Station:
no 6 bus 22.41 – 22.48 (arrive at station)
no 8 bus 22.44 – 23.01 (arrive at station)
no 6 bus 23.11 – 23.18 (arrive at station)
or taxi

Boats from Cardiff Bay to Cardiff Castle
1.00 / 2.00 / 3.00 / 4.00
Boats from Cardiff Castle to Cardiff Bay
1.30 / 2.30 / 3.30 / 4.30
Cost is £3 each way

(Another boat company leaves 30 mins later on all the above time and costs £4 each way.)

Parking at Sophia Gardens near castle is £8 for 12 hours.
Parking behind the train station in Cardiff is £9.20 for 24hrs

Parking at Mermaid Quay in the bay is £15 for 24hrs.
Parking behind the Millennium Centre in the bay is £10 for 24

The tearooms are open from 10am, but can only book a table for afternoon tea. It’s small, but would be nice for praps a sandwich or cake. Tel 02920235486

The show starts at 7.30pm and should finish at 10.20pm.

If people want to take cars then perhaps we can share parking costs etc at the bay, catch boat up to castle, go for tea, get back on boat to bay. Alternatively we can meet in Cardiff or at Newport station. If everyone gets back and states how they want to travel we can work out where to meet.

As the show starts at 7.30 praps the meal should be about 5.30?

Anyway we all need to know where we are meeting etc etc.

I’m not taking my car so I’m either on train to Cardiff or sharing. (There’s no way to be any more polite lol!) I’ll put a link on our text messages so we can all reply and texts can be seen by everyone.

* * * * * *

From: Tara
Re: Delaney

Hi Sarah,

We have your daughter Delaney registered for the Lucky Stars CVS team. Practice has started, but we haven’t met her yet.

I am trying to find some record of you or Delaney, but I can not find one. Have we met?

Let me know. We would love to have her on our team, but need to touch base.
