Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Besides more mail from Massage Envy Buckhead and Brantano Shoes, several British forwards from Joy, and an invitation to learn more about heavy-metal purification supplements from Gary, which turned into one MEANT for me after I told Gary I was the wrong person and he realized he had a new potential customer to sell to (sigh)…

…I present the following two notes, with the good news that Jillian’s found a lovely new job, and that Paul has a truly gorgeous apartment in the South of France. (Double sigh.)

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From: Jillian
Re: Important News!!!

Several weeks ago, my boss approached me with an offer to relocate to one of our newer offices in Durham, NC. The relocation would give me the opportunity to continue working in my current role, with the addition of taking on a small internship program for the next 12 months. It’s something that I have been thinking about a lot the last month or so. After spending a couple of days in Durham last week, and several long conversations with my employer, I’m excited to say I excepted the offer this morning and will be relocating to Durham in mid-January.

It was not an easy decision, but it just seems like the timing is right to do something like this. I have worked so had to be able to have opportunities like this. I knew that if I didn’t take advantage of this offer, it would surely be something that I would look back and regret later.

I know the next month or so will keep me busy with packing and tying up loose ends here in Michigan, but hopefully I will be able to take some time to spend with friends and family before I make the big move.

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From: Paul
Re: Apartment in Antibes

Hope you are both OK.
Here are some phone camera pictures of some of the furniture I am buying for the apartment.
A good sized double bed, 2 bedside tables with lamps, Glass table with chairs and 2 semi-circular end bits, dark wood coffee table and several carpets.
Sorry you are being bothered by the workmen.