Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


That’s a new idea. There hasn’t been a Monday in a few weeks now. At least, not an old-school get-up-in-the-dark Monday.

I have not missed it in its absence.

Off to 2004, now. Interesting. This year I’ll be 26. I’ll hit the halfway mark through grad school. I hope I won’t have to look for a new job or buy a new car or move, all of which were hallmarks of the last couple of years. I hope there will be slightly fewer Learning Experiences and slightly more Relaxing, Enjoyable and Altogether Good Times.

There will be people that I will miss this year, but I hope the cast will be joined by some new characters, too. And perhaps some bit players will get new roles. Perhaps some leading roles will get new storylines.

I like everything really very well just the way it is right now (apart from needing a nap at the moment) but I’m looking forward to a nice shiny-new year, too.

C’mon in, baby new year, let’s get acquainted.

P.S. I so want this book. Between it and the Lazy Girl’s Guides, will get a big ole order from me come next payday.