Cause he has one of these. And really, it’s even cooler than it looks in the photos.
I, in the meantime, am making the most of my not-very-recent little electronic, which I have finally begun making better use of. The 1.2-megapixel camera is fairly crappy (but I’ve learned how to turn on the flash), the video is fun (but really how often does one need 30-second video?) – but I have just today brought it to the gym to listen to the double CD-worth of MP3s that I put on it last night.
It isn’t 1,000 songs, but at least I’m getting use out of it, which I’m bound and determined to do before I make another tiny-shiny-electronic purchase. I’m holding out for a camera/phone/video/PDA/email/MP3/Sirius player. Does a Trio get satellite radio?
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