Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


Hey, incidentally, 16 more posts till I hit 1,000. Think I’ll make it by the end of 2008? And what do I get if I do?

I’ve never been able to understand why anyone needs drugs, legal or illegal, to feel better. And after the day I’ve just had, I can’t imagine that they could be anywhere near as good.

Two of my fabulous friends from work and I participated in a Habitat for Humanity Women Build all day today. We got to spend the day outside in the fresh air and sunshine, warming ourselves up in the freezing cold and getting filthy dirty by hauling buckets of rocks and raking gravel and digging trenches and tarring a foundation. And we got to do it right alongside the amazing woman whose house we were building. It was an absolutely unbelievable experience (even apart from getting mistaken for a high-school student, which would have made my day all by itself). I can’t wait wait to volunteer for Habitat again.

And then I got to go to the hospital and talk to Tracy . And I guess all there is to say about that is – even when one of you is only blinking and nodding and shrugging – two weeks ago that I wasn’t sure whether I would ever have a conversation with my friend again.

I can’t express how much I needed a day like this. I am so, so grateful and happy.