Categories: creativity

Sarah Morgan


I promised I’d answer all of the questions I’d gotten on Facebook and Twitter, and so I shall.

It’s been educational. Mostly in that I’ve learned which of my family and friends are most annoying.

  • Who’s your hero and why? Judi Dench, at present, because she’s stunning and talented and beautiful and funny and successful. But there are a lot of possibilities, and it changes.
  • What is your all-time favorite beer? Guinness. Sorry, Dave, I do adore Sam Adams, but my all-time favorite is Guinness. It’s the delicious thick milkshake of beers.
  • Why do you need to solicit questions for a post? Two reasons, really. One, I’m inherently lazy. Two, I was curious what people would ask.
  • Does Eliot often speak like Dwight Schrute? Not as I’ve noticed, but now that I think about it, there are certainly similarities.
  • Why do women look up when they apply eye makeup? Only a guy would ask this, because any girl knows from experience that it’s simply just unnerving to aim pointy things at your eyeballs.
  • How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I’ve only ever seen them waddle around lawns, so I’m afraid I have no knowledge of chucking, just waddling. But they’re quite endearing at that, so I’d imagine they’d be similarly slow but successful at chucking.
  • Did you leave your sneakers at my house so that I would have no choice but to hang out with you? Perhaps subconsciously, but mostly I’m just really that forgetful.
  • What number am I thinking of right now? You weren’t, not till you read this question anyway.
  • Are you regretting asking people to ask you questions? Not really. It’s not Shakespeare, but then, how much is?
  • Fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t really fuzzy was he? Frankly, this was where Kevin just ran out of steam in his questioning.
  • If your were a tree, what tree would you be and why? An aspen. We had one in the corner of my yard growing up and I loved that it grew so tall so fast. And I loved the way its leaves rustled.
  • Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla.
  • What is your favorite curse word? Damn, boringly enough. Although one of my pet peeves is when people spell it “damnit” instead of “damn it” or “dammit”. Chris, I’m looking at you.
  • How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? I will never know. I’m a very impatient person.
  • If you were a superhero, what would your powers be? Well, a psychic told me that I’m an empath, so perhaps I’m already a superhero.
  • If you could pick a theme song for yourself, what would it be? I think I’d go more with a noise for my theme song, like LOST and 60 Minutes.
  • What are you top 5 movies? Hm. Pride & Prejudice, Love Actually, Miracle on 34th Street, Independence Day and, oh, I don’t know. Whatever’s my current whim.
  • What’s the one question you want to answer in an upcoming tweet? Oh, I’d really rather not at this point. Between this post and the last one, I am all answered out.