I love Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. I think it’s amazingly effective brand-loyalty-building, and also truly socially useful.
I listened to their brand team talk in a webcast put on by PRWeek, and they really seemed to love being part of it. One woman told a cute story of how a little girl on a plane had lit up as if she were a rock star when she found out that she was one of the people who worked on the ads “with the ladies in white underwear.” The campaign gets it, and people get it right back, and most importantly little girls get it. It’s cool stuff.
Their latest installment is this video…
And while I’m here, here are some good posts on it:
Techie Diva
Boing Boing
But this video (sorry, just a link, no YouTube) made me all teary. It’s tough to be a little girl. Or a big one, come to that. And yes, of course Dove just wants to get your money: I don’t think otherwise.
But I really love how they’re doing it. And they are getting my money, because they’re doing this.
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