Categories: creativity, health

Sarah Morgan


So this week I went back to my job after five weeks on disability and tried to jump right back in. I couldn’t even remember my password. Literally.


Since my voice is still quiet and raspy I find myself doing this a lot because it’s easier than replying. Don’t worry: when I catch myself at it, I feel exactly as dorky as you would hope.

However, since other gestures aren’t always appreciated, I guess I should stick with the thumbs. *Yes, this is real.

#tired #sleepy #exhausted

By day’s end – or before, if I’m honest – I’ve got nothing left.

And when I get tired I get weepy.

It’s just disconcerting to feel as though you spent the day on a chain gang, when you spent it in Outlook.

But there’s really not anything I can do about it except sleep. A lot. A crazy lot.

I’d love to say that this week I proved I was some kind of total  badass.

Not fazed by anything.

But the truth is….

…I don’t think I was very badass at work…

…or outside of it.

I guess I just need to be patient and remember to breathe.

And, sooner or later, I’ll be up and at ’em again.

Or close, anyway.