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Sarah Morgan


As my utterly awesome, long-awaited sabbatical looms – some of which I will be spending volunteering in Greece, thanks to you – I owe you a big long writeup on that (not least of which to express how utterly humbled I am by the enormity of my gratitude to y’alls). But in preparation for my travels, something’s come up. So if I can get on my social-media soapbox for a minute here (and I think you’ll find that I can), may I please, please give some advice?

People, when you tell your social networks you’re away from home – especially if you live alone – it’s  hanging up a sign that says, “Hey! Empty house! Full of stuff! For the taking!” And otherwise-smart people post information like this all the time.

Now, maybe your house is always full. Maybe you have a hungry Rottie. A state-of-the-art security system. Great neighbors. Maybe you have roommates. Housesitters. Maybe (and I hope so) you’ve taken steps to make your address difficult to find online. And hey, maybe you don’t have any stuff worth taking.

But STILL. The fact remains that it is very, very easy to find someone’s address online. And the sub-fact is that while most of the people on this Earth are lovely, they aren’t all.

So despite having a useful combination of most of the above working for me (especially that last!), I am deliberate in discussing where I am and when.  So the point of my story is just this: PLEASE think long and hard about giving your socnets information that compromises your personal safety and security.

I’m not saying never ever say anything about where you are or where you’re going. Travel is part of life (or it should be!) and it’s exciting and interesting and worth talking about.

But like everything else with social media (I know I’m a broken record but I truly believe in it), you have to be cognizant of the implications of your choices. Educate yourself. Make your choices real decisions, not just defaults because you don’t know any better.
