Categories: serendipity

Sarah Morgan

Share Because the thought of a t-shirt that says, “Fuck You and Your Imaginary God” makes me laugh. And I can think of a few people to give a nice “Homophobe” t-shirt to for Christmas. Also,

Masturbation is good for you and your prostate. (Provided you, unlike me, have one of them.) But if you were the guy in that stock photo, wouldn’t you be a little embarrassed?

Well, holy sweet Jesus, this does look different, doesn’t it. It’s still kind of stiff and new… I don’t know if I like it yet. The colors are a bit placid and generic for my taste, but it’s hard to pick colors on a laptop screen. Consider it a work in progress.

And, o yes… one last thing. Three people this week have told me that they read this! And, considering that that brings to a grand total of six the people who have stumbled across this page (Dusty, Tommy, Jilly, Ted, Chris, and the Rock Star), I’m absolutely staggered. Yay for me not just writing to myself after all!

Although… wait… that means I’m… not just writing to myself… after all. Hmm.

Backing away slowly with a case of stage fright….