Categories: Healthcare

Sarah Morgan


Grace talks about how Facebook is uncool now that everybody’s on it, and I get that – and I agree.

It’s weird to say the same thing to your professional colleagues, your workout friends, your besties, and your great-aunt.

Because, frankly, life requires different types of relationships. If you say the same thing to everyone you know? Some of them won’t get it and will reply with inane comments. Some of them will judge you and who needs that. Some of them you’d really prefer not to know you as well as they’d like to.

Especially for a teen, you need silos. You need to figure yourself out and that’s a messy, ugly process. You’re going to be an overdramatic tool when you’re upset. You’re going to go on tangents with your crushes and your interests and your goals in life that older people are going to think are stupid. But you need that process.

Are we taking away from our life experience when we un-silo ourselves? Perhaps.

On the other hand, I remember a manager early in my career who was brilliant and kind, but who confused me mightily because she prided herself on being a totally different person at work than she was outside work. She didn’t have silos, she had islands with concrete walls. To me, it seemed an awful way to life. Why put on such an act with half of your life?

But I do like some separation. Perhaps not silos. Perhaps a nice fenced-in yard. You know the saying about good fences making good neighbors. What type of separations do you make to keep yourself comfortable with the different types of people in your life?