So. I finished my thesis. That’s what’s done. But I didn’t want to say much until today, when….
…I met with my advisor, the utterly lovely Dr. Levinson. And I’m not just saying that because I discovered that he discovered this site. I swear.
He looked stunning today, by the way. I think he’s doing something new with his hair. It makes him look even smarter. But I digress.
Anyway. He likes it. HE LIKES IT. It is a PLEASURE to read my work. It is DELIGHTFUL. If slightly arch.
Which, if you weren’t quite sure what it means, and I wasn’t, so I looked it up to make sure, means condescending, ironic, impudent, impish, mischievious, roguish, sly.
I’m not sure I like being all those things, but I’m pretty sure I actually am, so I might as well accept it.
And I’ll sure as hell take it as my very first review.
Anyway. So what’s left? I revise. He reviews. I revise. I get a committee for my oral defense. I study. They read. I present. I defend. I revise (probably).
And then? I WALK.
Sweet Jesus Christ. There is a light at the end of the tunnel after all.
And this time I think I gave myself at least several whole minutes before I started pondering publication and dissertation and a lot of other long words that mean New Projects Involving More Work Because I Cannot Sit Still. But don’t worry. I’m getting better. One finish line at a time.
So. Fuck yeah. I had a good afternoon.
Updated to add: Since a few people have asked: the topic is how electronic media are narrowing the differences between the languages in the U.S. and England.
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