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Sarah Morgan


(via Olga and USAT Pop Candy)

So this girl posts a video of herself sniffling while she watches the Wall-E trailer. No big deal.

What’s cool is what Pixar did when they found out – because it’s the essence of social medial. Simple, basic, genius.

Amazing employee relations to surprise their people with the girl they’d all seen who genuinely loved their work so much. And great press, both product for Wall-E and corporate for Pixar (Her blog, Metafilter, local news, and now Pop Candy).

And it cost them maybe a grand to bring her to their party? Just a small nice thing, paying off for them because it deserves to.

I keep saying this: social media outs the good.

It’s so simple. If you’re good stuff, social media shows that off. And if you’ve been trying to pass with a fake front, that will come out too.

Exhilarating – or terrifying – depending on who you are. Karma is like that.