Categories: conversation

Sarah Morgan


Networks I Use Like Crazy

  • Google+. Why? I adore the UI. Circles are fabulous and Hangouts are fun. Right now, it’s a social-media echo chamber, but that’ll pass.
  • Spotify. Why? I’m brand new to it, but it seems bafflingly good. It’s iTunes plus Pandora except better. Can that really be right?
  • Twitter. Why? It’s the fastest and best for news and interesting links. It’s still the place for breaking news.
  • Facebook. Why? Everybody’s there. It’s still the place to keep up on people I care about.
  • Pinterest. Why? I’ve been making corkboards my whole life, and this is the way to do it and see other people’s too. Necessary, no; addictive, yes.
Networks I Use Sometimes
  • LinkedIn. Why? It’s a requirement. It’s still where people look to see you as a professional.
  • Goodreads. Why? I’m a ravenous, devouring bookworm. I use this to keep my list of books to read and to get ideas for more.
  • Flickr. Why? I don’t really use the network functionality, but this is cloud backup; I have thousands of pictures stored.
  • Meetup. Why? I use it only maybe a few times a year, but it does exactly what it promises – finds local people getting together for the things you enjoy.
I’m hoping the utility in many of these will eventually migrate to G+, because for serious, this is too many. My hope lies in those Circles. It’s so easy to divide up groups that we may not eventually need separate networks for photo buffs vs. work contacts vs. local hikers.
Networks I Don’t Use
  • Quora. Why not? I don’t want to go somewhere specific to ask and answer questions. Especially not somewhere snooty.
  • Ping. Why not? Nobody uses it, for starters, and anyway – also why I don’t use the social functions on Netflix – I get embarrassed about my poor taste. Leave me to my drivel and nerdy geekery. (Netflix’s new pricing scheme is another post.)
  • aSmallWorld. Why not? It’s like any VIP area. The fun is out on the floor. It’s boring back behind the velvet rope with the $200 bottles.
  • Foursquare. Why not? Not using location check-ins is a safety thing for me. I want you to know what I think, not where I am.
  • Tumblr. Why not? It’s for hipsters without an adequate grasp of the English language. They’re Pinterest boards with blog aspirations.
  • MySpace, Ryze, Plaxo, Friendster, etc. Why not? Because it is not 2002. Even Tom is on G+ now.

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  1. Amy 18 July 2011 at 8:08 am

    You hit the nail on the head with this one! Except foursquare of course but you knew that ;)

  2. Sarah Morgan 18 July 2011 at 5:02 pm

    For me it’s all about who might see if I say I’m away from my house. I live in a safe area, and I don’t have anything worth taking, but it just still doesn’t feel safe to me.

  3. […] Morgan shares where you can find her online, opining why she uses Google+ for this and Goodreads for that; and reasoning why she doesn’t […]

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