Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


There’s a mother in my community who needs help. And I know I’m blessed with some amazing readers. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to help, and so it seemed like the kind of thing you might want to know about, too.

I’m part of our local Freecycle group (which, BTW, I love – if you’re not in one you should be) and the messages are always pretty simple – offering an item, requesting an item – but this one was different. Here’s her story, slightly paraphrased. If you want to send formula, baby clothes, jeans, gift cards or money, get in touch with me and I’ll help you get them to her straightaway.

I went back to work Monday from my maternity leave only to be sent home because my boss told me there was no work available with my limitations. While I’m waiting for workman’s comp to take over paying me, which will take 3 months, we are down to one income. My husband’s income doesn’t even cover our mortgage.

I have a 2 month old boy and a 10 year old boy. For the baby, I’m in dire need of formula; the only one he can tolerate is Similac. Also fall/winter clothes in 3-6 months’ size.

I had an appointment with WIC yesterday but they say my husband makes too much. (It’s amazing that they don’t take into consideration mortgage, utility, etc.) I found some food banks, but they didn’t have baby formula.

My 10 year old is in need of jeans size 8-10 and school supplies.

I really hate to ask for help, but we’ve exhausted all other options. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for your generosity. Anything will be a big help and appreciated more than you will ever know.
