Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


On a gorgeous weekend full of wonderful friends, a quick handful of links for you. The sun’s not quite down yet. Get back outside while you can!

  • The Internet has passed print in popularity as a news source. Why TV news remains most popular is beyond me. It’s useless for world news, full of local misery that doesn’t affect me and I can’t do anything about, garnished with celebrity sensationalism. Awful.
  • Cooler than an infographic: a sonographic (?) explaining how close Olympic medalists were.
  • The idea of renting designer handbags was ridiculous, but the idea of renting designer shoes disgusts me. (Same with vintage shoes.) Shoes somebody else’s bare feet were in? It’s like borrowing underpants. Skeeve.

P.S. A note for new readers: yes, the categories at the top only include July 2008 on. May 2002-July 2008 (Ye Olde Blogge) is here but not categorized. But I trust you. You’re smart and can use the archives.