(SFW but filled to the brim with innuendo.)
If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you saw me post this video and mention how much I love the MSNBC scriptwriter who got away with this. (Rachel Maddow, also of MSNBC, also had a good time with her report.) And I was crying, I was laughing so hard watching it. But when you think about it, isn’t it sad, too? It’s stunning how out of touch these people are (and whether it’s the actual elected Republicans, or whether it’s Fox News, I can’t tell). But they’re pouring time and money into a campaign that is now pretty difficult to take seriously.
@danover called it a sign of the apocalypse.
@shoot_the_moon pointed out that it’s probably just because nobody would be the first to admit to knowing what the term meant. (Which, come on. It’s been on Regis & Kelly. Not exactly underground.)
But what I find sad is that nobody apparently had the nerve to tell the emperor he had no clothes. And when people who are trying to help our country don’t even have that – what do we have?
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