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Sarah Morgan


Disclaimer: This is terribly ill-mannered and overly businesslike and I apologize for its crass materialism. However, I’m borrowing the idea from the Vixen, because there are some really specific things that I need. If I am lucky enough to get any gift from any person generous enough to want to give me one, it would be great if it could be something useful. But I do think this is just pretty rude, and I have a lot of misgivings about sounding so “I want THIS and THIS and THIS.” So if I am rude, please accept my apology, because I didn’t want to be and hoped I wasn’t.

With all that said….

What would I like to get for Christmas?

What I need and want most are clothes and money. (Money is self-explanatory and is for my bills and the house/wedding fund. And it’s phenomenally ill-mannered to talk about.)

I need clothes mainly for work: tops, pants and shoes (ex.: bootcut pants in khaki, grey, dark green; black heels); belts (I’ve been told I need these; not thin, kind of funky); underclothes (including stockings, regular and micronet).

Stores for ideas include Aldo, Ann Taylor Loft, H&M, The Limited, Monsoon and Accessorize although they only have shops in the U.K., Nine West, Victoria’s Secret.

I’m a medium, which is 7 or 8, and 7 ½ in shoes. Soft, warm and cozy is good. I like white and green and blue the best. But please nothing itchy or purple, no black tops, no Oxford (button-down) shirts, big sweaters, ponchos, gloves, scarves, coats (although I love them I do have enough), nothing with logos or pleats or frills; nothing personalized; no stuffed animals or knickknacks.

If you are truly anti-clothes or money….

Gift certificates:

  • Club Beaute salon in Bedminster (908-781-6600) (haircut with Tina Costa; facial, eyebrows with Keri Schurman, hair products)
  • Kiehl’s face products (ex: Abyssine Eye Cream)
  • Hanna Nails nail salon in Staten Island (718-966-1836) (manicure, pedicure)
  • Bobbi Brown makeup (Sheer Finish Pressed Powder in Pale Yellow)
  • Ouidad hair products (ex: Deep Treatment, Tress FX, Curl Quencher Conditioner)

Digital camera: Fujifilm FinePix F700 6.2-megapixel (Consumer Reports recommendation; it’s small and has a good lens and a strong zoom)

Amazon wish list: Burberry perfume, books, DVD’s, CD’s, a memory card. (There are other books and CD’s and DVD’s I like, but mostly I’d just as soon get them used/burned/from Matt/ library).

Going to a play or a restaurant.

Blue (hard to find, Staples only carries blue-black) ink cartridges for my Cross fountain pen.