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Sarah Morgan


Jessica has an entry about the It’s-Impossible-to-Be-Unhappy-While-Listening-to-This Mix Tape (see above). Although really, in this day and age, shouldn’t it be the IITBUWLTT Ipod List? Does anyone really do the mix tape anymore?

Anyway, this, combined with a friend’s recent housecleaning expedition that led me to be the proud possessor (again) of the “To Be With You” single tape and, more importantly, its B-side, “Green-Tinted Sixties Mind” – it leads to further ideas. Rainy day assignments.

Starting with “That Thing You Do” – create the pop-song clap-double-clap mix.

Starting with “Accidentally in Love” – create the songs-from-movies mix. “Danger Zone” from Top Gun must be included. “That Thing You Do” can also apply here.

Starting with “Green-Tinted Sixties Mind” – create the I-played-this-over-and-over-while-singing-really-loud-in-the-car mix. The Black Crowes “She Talks to Angels” and Leann Rimes “The Right Kind of Wrong” (from Coyote Ugly, so I guess it can also go in the above list) figure here. “That Thing You Do” does not. It’s too hard to clap-double-clap and drive at the same time.