Categories: conversation

Sarah Morgan


  • Sorry, I went through a tunnel.
  • I missed your call because I wasn’t home.
  • I’ll meet you right at your arrival gate.
  • Pass the ashtray.
  • Come on, smile, I just want to use up my film.
  • Do you have a quarter for the phone?
  • It’ll be fun to go to the reunion to find out what everyone’s been up to.
  • Get off the internet – I need to use the phone!
  • Here’s our new entertainment center.
  • My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.
  • Let’s go to the bookstore / music store.
  • Ooh, Zima!
  • Call the theatre and find out when the movie times are.
  • Look, I got my pictures back!
  • Where’s the phone book / encyclopedia / TV Guide / address book / photo album / CD / checkbook / disk / DVD ?

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  1. Tommy M 24 June 2013 at 11:43 pm

    -We need to be home by 8pm or we’ll miss “insert TV show here”
    -Let’s go outside and play cowboys and indians, or Let’s go outside and play guns
    -I’ll beep you later
    -I guess I’ll wait till next year to watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas”
    -Can you rewind that song?
    -Here’s $10, go fill up the car
    -Go to your room for making a long distance call!

  2. Steve Woodruff 25 June 2013 at 10:32 am

    – Can you hand me that road atlas?

  3. Elly 25 June 2013 at 11:42 am

    I really like the new single, but I need to hear at least one more song before I commit to buying the album.

  4. Maria 26 June 2013 at 8:14 am

    Quiet! I’m trying to tape this song off the radio for my mix tape!

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