Categories: faith

Sarah Morgan


I’ve these moments, and I know you have too:

I wanted THIS. I really wanted THIS. I worked my ass off for THIS. I prayed and hoped and told the universe how much I wanted THIS.

But I didn’t get THIS. And so I was miserable.

It turns out, though, that because I didn’t get THIS, there ended up being room in my life for THAT. And THAT, it turns out, was better than THIS ever would have been. If I’d understood from the beginning, I would have wanted THAT all along.

Maybe your THIS is the person who loves you, or the college you can afford, or the job that hires you. Maybe it’s just what you do on a meaningless little day that ends up changing your life.

But whether it’s big or small, you have to remember that sometimes your prayers ARE being answered – and the answer is “no”.

Leave room for different miracles. Leave room for peripheral miracles*. Leave room for the possibility that you don’t know what you’re asking for. 

*Check the link out – it’s a blog called Momastery I’ve gotten into, and that post was what got me thinking about this. Sometimes you just need a random reminder that you can’t order life off the menu – and that that is a good thing.