Categories: Personal

Sarah Morgan


Want to catch up or reread? Here are the posts you read the most this year.

First, the series – here are the top four:

And now the top single posts. Proving, for yet another year, that you say you read the professional stuff… and you do… but you really read the personal, jagged, emotional stuff.

I hope you aren't either.

I hope you aren’t either.

Thanks for reading all of it. I love it here, and I love that you’re here. Let’s make 2016 even better to write about.

  1. CrossFitiversary. On three years of falling in love.
  2. You Are Not Special. Why we’re all disasters – and why that’s great.
  3. Less Is More: Unplugging the News Feed. Why I don’t follow you on Facebook.
  4. Getting Better Slower: Why I’m Okay With It. On aging. (With sea turtles.)
  5. The Democratization of Creativity. Do social media make us more, or less, creative?
  6. Fail. A Little. Often. Or, You Know, Don’t. How hard (/important) it is to try.
  7. Messy. Why I hoard my problems and what happens when I don’t.
  8. Fall In Love in 37 Easy Steps. The one Jayson quoted and made me cry.
  9. On Brevity. Why the most important part of writing is editing. (With a poem.)
  10. You Are Not Your Numbers. How boring it is when people try to be interesting.