Categories: Personal

Sarah Morgan


It’s the sunset of the year and so I’m even more reflective than usual. In some ways it was a quiet year, but in others, tumultuous. In some ways, very successful; in others, a mess. I suppose that means it was a normal year in a normal life. Thank goodness for that, yes?

I’m so proud to close out 2017 with a beautiful new website created by Jon Daiello. It’s more modern, more effective, and perhaps most important of all, more me. Jon is a gift of a human and so good at what he does. This new site is faster, simpler, more responsive, more organized, has a beautiful new archive – and it’s now easier for you to sign up for updates – put your email in right at the bottom of this post!

To close out the year, here are the posts that you read the most. Thank you so much for being here and reading.

Ten Most Read Professional Posts of 2017 

  1. Quo Vadimus? Where Digital Health Is Going in 2017. Was I right? (Mostly.)
  2. Men and Summer! A shamelessly clickbait headline for my June columns for Dermatology Times.
  3. Expensive Social Media Guidance: Get It Here Free. What it says on the tin.
  4. Stressed Is the Achiever Word for Fear.’ Let’s self-label honestly.
  5. 10 Steps to Become a Better Writer. Sort of what it says on the tin. Sort of not.
  6. Will CVS Bring Single-Payer to the US? I kept writing after working on “How Railroads Changed Healthcare“.
  7. Digital Health Coalition’s East Coast Spring Summit. An excellent conference I was lucky to attend.
  8. Why ‘Follow Your Passion’ Is Wrong (And Right). Career advice.
  9. Machine Learning 101: What’s It Mean for Pharma? Explaining how AI really works.
  10. Straight Talk for Job Searchers. “Bluntness time, my precious unicorn.”


10 Most Read Personal Posts of 2017

  1. I’m Sorry But. Responding to the ‘apologies’ of #metoo.
  2. Adrift. Christianity and politics.
  3. Fifteen Years. An anniversary of writing.
  4. Epiphany. Why glorifying busy is self-hatred.
  5. Responsibility. And irresponsibility and overresponsibility.
  6. Resistance. Progressing when you hate how much you suck.
  7. Colossus. The story behind a poem.
  8. Little Faith. Death, and terror, and a folk rock song that does me in.
  9. Jason Khalipa’s AMRAP Mentality. Smart words from a role model.
  10. Counter-Culture Health. Why ‘effortlessly healthy’ is an oxymoron.

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