Silk and pearls: for the twelfth anniversary.
This has been my tree fort in the wilderness of the internet for a third of my time on the planet – longer than anywhere I’ve ever lived physically. I’ve stuffed 1,611 posts in here so far.
And, it’s worth noting, you’ve averaged more than one comment on each one. Thanks for that. And, in general, for being here. I would write if nobody ever read it – I would write if I were trapped on a desert island, if I were going down with the ship – but it never fails to pleasantly startle me when someone says they’ve read what I’ve written.
What started as a little free account has probably been what gave me the courage to become an actual writer. That realization never fails to pleasantly startle me too. I make my living by writing things. And what I’m writing aren’t Excel spreadsheets and data analysis algorithms and PowerPoint presentations and email pitches. As has been the case. I’m writing articles and essays, opinion pieces and research reports. Things I find fascinating and fun and important and interesting.
It’s a little miracle that I get to live this life every day, and I think that miracle was born right here.
For the twelfth anniversary? Gratitude.
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