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Sarah Morgan

One of the great things about Twitter – tiny little personal connections. They’re what make it matter. Thanks – you made me happy too.
ashia : my happy july moment was driving down the expressway, music blasting, sunroof open, windows down…lovely day!
agardina : @sarahmorgan my happy July moment was when I finally got my Vespa :-)
splashmary : @sarahmorgan happy July moment: vacation in Dayton, OH. Esp liked the Air Force Museum and Wright Bros’ cycle shop
cadelarge : @sarahmorgan Happy July moment: My daughter thanking me 4 convincing her not 2 move in with guy who would have put her on street. Whew!
firehorse_ij : @sarahmorgan My "Happy July Moment" was giving my partner outrageous birthday spoilage. :)
overthinker : @sarahmorgan My happy moment was July 4, when I turned the age I’d looked forward to for 14 years. (I’m not as batty as that sounds.)
lumatts : Happy moment for July: a national placement for my client! Due in October…
Oh, and what started it all?
sarahmorgan : My happy moment of July: getting carded in first class for my glass of wine. I almost kissed the FA. What was your July happy moment?