Categories: conversation

Sarah Morgan


My phone carries three email accounts, my cloud documents, my task lists for work and for home, my contact database, my social networks, my camera, enough mindless games to keep me occupied forever, a library’s worth of books, a record store’s worth of music, and, of course, the whole wide Internet.

I can use it as my GPS, as my notebook, as my boarding pass. I can buy just about anything in the world on it through any e-commerce site.

Given all that it, then, is it such a stretch to envision it being my debit card to buy goods in person, too?

I don’t think so – and it looks like the biggest players in the game agree. It won’t happen right away, but don’t be surprised if your next phone is something you can swipe to pay.

Do you like the idea of having even less to carry around, or does this freak you out?