Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


The links are where the “hustle” part comes in – they’re a good bit about living life fast and hard.

As for the “flow” – over the last weeks I’ve been realizing things weren’t coming naturally to me, and it’s been a bit uncomfortable trying to get that back. It’s not quite there, but I’m trying, and liking it.

Happy weekend, y’alls. Mine was. If yours hasn’t been yet, there’s still a few hours. Make it one.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Web 2.0 keynote . I’m a little afraid he’s beginning to buy into his own press, but till that happens, God, is he dead on. It’s simple: if you’re true to yourself and giving your all, you’re going to succeed at life. You just are. I’ll extrapolate from work to family and love and life : focus your being as hard as you can on what you care about, and I think you can’t help but end up happy. It’s the hardest thing in the world to do, but I never want to stop trying to get better at it.

23 ways to track yourself . I don’t know that any of these apps are remotely necessary, but hey, they’re cool.

Chinese netspeak : a fantastically interesting look at the complicated ways that some online expressions have come into being when you add a pictoral alphabet into the mix.

The Chronicle of Higher Education on how you read differently – and worse – when you’re reading online.