Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


My current Facebook status says, “Sarah could not possibly be any more in love with fall,” and… yeah. I’ve had an utterly glorious weekend – the kind that makes you wonder how you can possibly deserve it. If yours has had half the friends, family, fun, fresh air, time, perfect weather – and I hope it did – you can identify.

This week’s roundup:

  • Health and how my chiropractor is a miracle worker. He’s really my sports medicine doctor at this point. There’s always something. As soon as he sees me he asks, “what did you do this time?” Currently he’s fixing the arch of my foot. I adore him. I know chiropractic is something people have strong opinions either for or against; I’m definitely in the “for” camp.
  • Music and how iTunes hasn’t worked right for me for months. I don’t really miss it because I love Sirius and my Sportster 5 . But today’s attempt is because I’d like the latest Fort Minor and Cowboy Mouth . We’ll see if it works after this latest update. (In passing, Apple , stop trying to install Safari every time you update iTunes .) But in the meantime, check out the latest Britney video . Zero artistic talent or worth, but it’s stuck in my head anyway. (Also, may I please look like that after two kids.)
  • Money and how this three-year-old blog post is the first thing that’s comforted me in a few weeks. It suggests that the market goes in generational cycles. (Thank goodness I’m young enough for that to be comforting.)
  • Science and how I’ve been fascinated by how little we know about the oceans since Bill Bryson made me realize it in A Short History of Nearly Everything (read it or watch him talk about it ). So I’m glued to this TED video (you know I love me some TED ) that talks that.

Your goals for the week:

  • Register to vote . Before Tuesday if you live in New Jersey.
  • Tell me a secret anonymously in the comments.