Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan

I know it’s been a while, so let’s review what we’ve learned since our last installment, shall we?

  • I am not the Other Me who just ordered 76 GBP worth of plus-sized undies from Simply Be to be delivered to her home in Swansea.
  • I am not the Other Me who requested an email of “Murder Mystery Pics” from Cory of McCaffrey Mysteries, Inc., a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organization Benefiting the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Animal Rescue League of Western Pennsylvania. But it’s nice that Cory appreciates the coverage (???) that Other Me gave her.
  • I am not the Other Me who went to Marshall University and wants tickets to their new Artists Series. Particularly not Martin Short, thank you.
  • I am not the Other Me who has time to catch Robyn for a drink after work on Thursday, even if she does have a rental car and so can meet me.

I should try to figure out some day exactly how many Other Me’s there are going on here. It’s got to be a few at this point.