Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


Idle Curiosity asks…

  • How much does it hurt after you get kneed in the quad by someone almost a foot bigger than you? Sub-question: is it weird to find it comforting that your leg hurt his knee, too?
  • How elderly are you when someone who was in kindergarten when you were in college now has a college boyfriend of her own?
  • For serious, do there need to be American Girl history dolls devoted to the far-off era of the 1970s?

Voice of Experience answers…

  • Even more than you’d have thought. Also, no it isn’t.
  • Very. But that’s okay.
  • No. But perhaps this is additional proof of the elderly-ness.

Music Snob notes that…

Serious Note points out…

  • That if you donate $3 to DarfurFast, you can protect a Darfuri civilian for a year. It’s a guard for a mother to collect cooking firewood without being raped or killed by militia. On December 5, give up one of your little luxuries and send the money here.

Amateur Psychologist decides…

  • Sarah will now get back to decking her halls, and will try not to be too topsy-turvy and happy-sad because it’s been a long weekend full of quite a lot of stuff.