Sports Night was truly a great show. But now I’m done with the series, meaning that I have to give the box set back to Karen. (And see if anyone but Casey finds my obsession attractive, or just another line item on my list of truly dorky tendencies.)
Anyway, back to Sunday’s list of links to get you through the week. And it’s a long one, because I’ve been reading a lot and not telling you about any of it. I’m secretive like that.
Not really. Mostly it’s just a massively overdue and uncategorized brain dump. But it sounds better the other way. Far more serendipitous. And duplicitous. Serenduplicitous.
Yeah, I’m done here. Happy week.
- What’s Really In That Seat-Back Pocket (Ought Not to Be Read If You’re Getting on a Plane Any Time Soon, I Promise You.)
- Can You Become a Creature of New Habits?
- The Things That Carried Him (Very Long, Desperately Sad, and Absolutely Worth Reading)
- Why Journalists Need PR People
- True Wife Confessions
- Get Over It: An Archive of Regrets
- Feeling Paranoid? You’re Not Alone
- The Furminator (If You Think This Is a Dig at You and Your Sheddy Pet, You Are Correct)
- Zappos Tony’s Guide to Twitter
- Some Darn Cute Cufflinks
- Fabulous Birth Announcements (In Honor of Brendan)
- Brainstorming Doesn’t Work: Here’s What Does
- Mental Detox Week
- Free WordPress Themes (Not That I Want to Get Into This, See Twitter for Details)
- What Happens Sometimes When You Try to Put on a Happy Face
And if you get through all this and you’re looking for four minutes of total surrealism, go YouTube “you’re not my father wtf”. Trust me on this.
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